
Review published: 22nd of March, 2008
Writer: Joachim 'Joe' Brookes
Language: German
Score: 7/10
English: “Weather" is a wonderful ballad in which the acoustic and electric guitar match each other and Lasse Finbråtren contributes two-dimensional keyboards. The song can really warm your heart.
"Weather" eine herrliche Ballade, in der sich die Akustische und E-Gitarre die Bälle zupassen und Lasse Finbråtren flächige Keyboards beisteuert. Bei dem Song kann einem richtig warm ums Herz werden.
English: “Dahl is good at soloing and if, as already mentioned, the acoustic guitar takes over the scepter in the quieter phases, that's simply good.”
German: “Dahl vermag gut zu solieren und wenn in den ruhigeren Phasen, wie bereits angesprochen, die akustische Gitarre das Zepter übernimmt, ist das schlichtweg gut.”
“Very good prog theater is "Creatures Of A Fairy Tale", which offers pretty much everything SoundBorne can do .”
“Sehr gutes Prog-Theater ist "Creatures Of A Fairy Tale", das so ziemlich alles aufbietet, wozu SoundBorne in der Lage sind.”
Read the entire review here.